



Click on the letters above to print out the workbook.

Coloring Pages










  1. Animals:
    1. Bed bug, bug, lugworm, June bug, ladybug, lightening bug, pill bug, pug, and sea slug, slug, and squash bug..
    2. Draw pictures of the animals above.
    3. Catch a bug.
    4. Go fishing, and use a lugworm for bait.
  2. Art:
    1. Color something with one or more of the following colors: ladybug red, piggy pink or snuggly colors.
    2. Draw a picture of a bug.
    3. Draw a picture of golden nuggets.
  3. Body:
    1. Pug nose.
    2. Do you ever feel sluggish.
    3. Do not slug someone else.
  4. Food:
    1. Chicken nuggets.
    2. Drink something from a mug.
    3. Drink out of jug.
    4. Suggest what you would like to eat.
  5. Locations:
    1. Augusta (ME)
    2. Muggy places.
    3. Find the above locations on a map.
    4. Where might you find a tug boat.
  6. Music:
    1. Plug for electric instruments.
    2. Plug in a radio and listen to music.
  7. Plants:
    1. Mugwort, and pug yarborough.
    2. Plant plugs.
  8. Other:
    1. Do not bug your mother.
    2. Give your mother a hug.
    3. Watch a game of rugby.
    4. Play tug of war.
    5. Pack your luggage.
    6. Snuggle a baby or stuffed animal.
    7. Make a suggestion.
    8. Juggle two things and then try three.
    9. Plug something in.
    10. Sit on a rug.
  9. Words:
    1. Buggy, chug, debug, dug, dugout, drugs, jug, lug, mug, rug, rugged, shrug, slug, smug, smuggle, snug, spark plug, struggle, suggest, thug, tug, ugly, and unplug.

Suggested Reading

  1. Books
    1. Hug a Bug, Spinelli, Eileen, HarperCollins, 2008.
    2. Ladybug Girl at the Beach, Soman, David and David, Jacky, Dial Books, New York, 2010.
    3. The Ugly Duckling.
  2. Scriptures
    1. Dug
      1. Alma 49:4,18*
      2. Jacob 5:76*
    2. Struggle
      1. Genesis 25:22
      2. Enos 1:10*
      3. Mosiah 7:18*
      4. Mormon 2:14; 5:2; 6:6*
    3. Suggest
      1. D&C 123:1*

*LDS Scripture