About Us


Welcome to WritePhonics.com!

We hope the WritePhonics™ website will help parents, grandparents, teachers and others working with children find more creative and fun ways to teach reading and writing to their children or the children they are working with.


WritePhonics™ is a set of seven phonics and writing workbooks designed to help develop writing, reading, and spelling in the English language.


This program is for:

  1. People who work with children
  2. Parents, Grandparents, Teachers
  3. Preschoolers
  4. Home Schoolers
  5. Summer programs
  6. People learning English



This WritePhonics™ workbooks were written to introduce children to the beginning phonetic sounds and help them learn to read and write English.  There is no correct order for introducing the letters.


For layout purposes the WritePhonics™ workbooks have been presented in alphabetical order, but it is suggested to introduce the letters in a different order.  For children, we suggest introducing letters such as L, I, or T first as these are straight lines and are the easiest letters for children to write.  Children will have more success writing these easy letters first.  Then, work on letters like F, X and V that also have straight lines but are a little more difficult to write.


Once writing the letters with straight lines are learned, letters that begin with more circular letters like O and C are a good start to continue on to other letters.  The letter S is one of the more difficult letters for a child to learn, so it is suggested to introduce this letter later on.


There are total of seven workbooks.  We have chosen to begin this website with the first three books as an introduction.


We hope you find these WritePhonics™ workbooks a wonderful supplement for learning to read, write and spell the English language.


Each of the workbooks has a page with additional coloring pages, possible activities you can do, a few books listed, and possible scriptures that can be read that reinforce the letter sounds the child is learning. There are a multitude of other activities you can do and books that can be read. Be creative and have fun!

Basic Instructions


This WritePhonics™ workbooks were written to introduce children to the beginning phonetic sounds and help them learn to read and write English.  There is no correct order for introducing the letters.


For layout purposes the WritePhonics™ workbooks have been presented in alphabetical order, but it is suggested to introduce the letters in a different order.  For children, we suggest introducing letters such as L, I, or T first as these are straight lines and are the easiest letters for children to write.  Children will have more success writing these easy letters first.  Then, work on letters like F, X and V that also have straight lines but are a little more difficult to write.


Once writing the letters with straight lines are learned, letters that begin with more circular letters like O and C are a good start to continue on to other letters.  The letter S is one of the more difficult letters for a child to learn, so it is suggested to introduce this letter later on.


There are total of seven workbooks.  We have chosen to begin this website with the first three books as an introduction.


We hope you find these WritePhonics™ workbooks a wonderful supplement for learning to read, write and spell the English language.


Each of the workbooks has a page with additional coloring pages, possible activities you can do, a few books listed, and possible scriptures that can be read that reinforce the letter sounds the child is learning. There are a multitude of other activities you can do and books that can be read. Be creative and have fun!

Brief History


In 2002, I was home schooling my children. I was searching for phonics programs that I liked and found many different ones that I felt were good. My struggle was finding workbooks to go along with the phonics programs. I began making my own workbooks for my children and this is how the workbooks began.


After a few years, my husband and I decided it would be good to put our children back into the public school system. I found these workbooks to be useful during the summer. After a few years of sitting in our computer system, I thought that I would like to share the workbooks with others.


With my husbands tutelage, and multiple attempts of styling the worksheets, taking classes at the local college to learn some graphic design and web design skills, this is what I have come up with. If time permits, I will continue to add more lessons and more information. We hope the information will be found useful by others.


This program is not backed by any educational institution and has no guarantees with it. It simple is a tool put on the web for those who would like to use it.


This website is dedicated to our future grandchildren.