



Click on the letters above to print out the workbook.

Coloring Pages










  1. Animals:
    1. Poultry, and vulture.
    2. What animals have been hunted for their pelts?
    3. What animals live in saltwater?
  2. Art:
    1. Color something with one or more of the following colors: multicolored.
    2. Make something with felt.
    3. Help make a quilt.
    4. Learn about ultraviolet light.
  3. Body:
    1. Do some difficult exercises.
    2. Feel some things and tell what it felt like.
    3. Do a somersault.
    4. Watch someone vaulting.
    5. What might make you swelter?
  4. Food:
    1. Eat a melted cheese sandwich.
    2. Drink a malt.
    3. Eat something unsalted.
    4. Eat something salted.
    5. Maltose is a sugar. Look at labels and see if you can find something sweetened with maltose.
    6. Eat some saltine crackers.
    7. Use a salt shaker.
  5. Locations:
    1. Learn about deltas and where some of them are.
    2. Learn about another culture and where they live.
    3. Find out where people wear kilts.
  6. Music:
    1. Listen to Celtic music.
    2. Learn to do a waltz.
  7. Plants:
    1. Look for adult trees.
    2. Water your plants so they will not wilt.
    3. Learn about growing plants with ultraviolet lights.
    4. Mulitflora Rose.
  8. Other:
    1. Do something with an adult.
    2. Watch for streets made of asphalt.
    3. Wear a belt.
    4. Learn to use a deadbolt.
    5. Show off something you built.
    6. Do something that is difficult.
    7. Learn to multiply.
    8. What would you do if you were a multimillionaire?
    9. Sleep with a quilt.
    10. Always use your seatbelt.
    11. Walk on stilts.
  9. Words:
    1. Adult, asphalt, assault, belt, Bible belt, blackbelt, bolt, bolting, built, catapult, celtic, cobalt, colt, commonalty, conuslt, culture, deadbolt, default, delta, difficult, dwelt, exalt, exult, fault, felt, filth, gault, gilt, greenbelt, guilt, halt, holt, insult, jilt, jolt, kilt, knelt, lilt, malt, maltose, melt, milt, molt, molten, muliti-, multiple, multicolored, multicultural, multimillionaire, multinational, multiplier, multipurpose, novelty, pelt, pelted, poultry, psaltry, quilt, realtor, remelt, result, revolt, royalty, salt, saltine, saltshaker, saltwater, seatbelt, seltzer, shalt, shelter, silt, skelter, smalt, smelt, somersault, specialty, spelt, spilt, stilts, sultan, swelter, thunderbolt, tilt, tumult, ulterior, ultimate, ultra, ultraviolet, unsalted, vault, volt, voltage, voltmeter, vulture, waltz, welt, wilt.

Suggested Reading

  1. Books
    1. Read books about an elf.
    2. Read books about a wolf.
  2. Scriptures
    1. Built
      1. Genesis 13:18, 22:9
      2. 1 Samuel 14:35
      3. Matthew 7:24,26
      4. Ephesians 2:20
      5. Hebrews 3:4
      6. 2 Nephi 28:28*
    2. Dwelt
      1. Genesis 13:18, 22:9, 50:22
      2. Matthew 2:23
      3. John 1:39
      4. Acts 9:22, 11:29, 22:12, 28:30
      5. 1 Nephi 2:15, 16:6*
    3. Felt
      1. Genesis 27:22
      2. Exodus 10:21
      3. Mark 5:29
      4. Alma 5:26, 43:46, 54:2*
    4. Salt
      1. Genesis 19:26
      2. Mark 9:49,50
      3. Luke 14:34
      4. Colossians 4:6
      5. 3 Nephi 12:13*
    5. Revolt
      1. 2 Kings 8:22*
      2. 2 Chronicles 21:8,10
      3. Isaiah 1:5, 31:6
      4. 4 Nephi 1:20*

*LDS Scripture