


Letters ur

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Coloring Pages










  1. Animals:
    1. Minature pony, and lemur.
    2. Can you capture and animal?
    3. What animals are furry?
    4. What animals would you find in a pasture?
    5. What animals might hurt you?
  2. Art:
    1. Draw a picture of something in nature.
    2. Make a brochure.
    3. Color something with one or more of the following colors: Auburn, azure, blurry, and natural colors.
  3. Body:
    1. Femur, figure, heartburn, hurt, injure and sunburn.
    2. Find someone with auburn hair color.
    3. Find someone with curly hair.
    4. What might give you heartburn?
    5. What do you say when you burp?
    6. Practice good posture.
    7. Get a manicure.
  4. Food:
    1. Bratwurst, burgers, burrito, currants and curry.
    2. Do you like small or large cottage cheese curds?
    3. Eat a hamburger.
    4. Eat something with a mixture.
    5. Pasteurized milk.
  5. Locations:
    1. Look for agricultural land.
    2. Look for pasture land.
    3. An obscure island or location.
  6. Music:
    1. Listen to music from an adventure movie.
    2. A musical measure.
    3. Key signature.
  7. Plants:
    1. Agriculture, and horticulture.
    2. Burdock
    3. Visit a plant nursery.
  8. Other:
    1. Tell about an adventure you had.
    2. Go to church.
    3. Use a cursor on a computer.
    4. Read a brochure.
    5. Pay for something with currency.
    6. Open or close curtains.
    7. Have courage to do something new.
    8. Move some furniture.
    9. Have your picture taken.
    10. Read your scriptures.
  9. Words:
    1. Absurd, accurate, acupuncture, adjourn, adventure, adventurer, airburst, allure, amateur, assure, auburn, azure, blur, blurry, blurt, bratwurst, brochure, bulgar, burden, burdensome, burger, burglar, burley, burn, burner, burnish, burnout, burnt, burps, burr, burrito, burrow, bursar, burst, capture, carburator, church, churchyard, churn, closure, concur, concurrent, conjure, courage, courier, culture, curator, curb, curd, curdle, cure, curfew, curious, curls, curly, currant, currency, current, curricular, curry, curse, cursor, curtail, curtain, curtesy, curve, curveball, departure, disburse, durable, duration, enclosure, encourage, endure, ensure, euro, European, excursion, femur, figure, figurine, fissure, fixture, fur, furbish, furlong, furniture, furrow, furry, further, future, gesture, gurney, hamburger, heartburn, horticulture, hurdle, hurl, hurray, hurst, hurt, hurtful, immature, impure, inaccurate, incurable, incur, indenture, injure, insure, jury, lecture, leisure, lemur, literature, lurch, lure, lurk, manicure, manure, mature, measure, mercury, minature, mixture, moisture, mural, murder, murky, murmur, natural, naturally, nature, nurd, nurse, nursmaid, nursery, obscure, occur, pasture, pastureland, picture, pleasure, plural, posture, precurser, purple, pure, rapture, recapture, rupture, scripture, sculpture, secure, seisure, signaure, stature, structure, sure, tenure, texture, torture, transfigure, treasure, and venture.

Suggested Reading

  1. Books
    1. Read a 'Curious George' book.
    2. Read an adventure story.
    3. Read a good piece of literature.
    4. How Many Candles?, Griffith, Helen V, Greenwillow Books, 1999.
  2. Scriptures
    1. Burn
      1. Leviticus 6:9
      2. 2 Kings 16:15
      3. Matthew 13:30,40
      4. Mark 12:33
      5. Luke 24:32
    2. Church
      1. Matthew 16:18; 18:17
      2. Acts 16:5
      3. 1 Corinthians 15:9
      4. Revelations 2:11
      5. Mosiah 25:22
    3. Pasture
      1. Genesis 47:4
      2. Job 39:8
      3. Psalms 23:2; 100:3
      4. John 10:9
    4. Purple
      1. Exodus 25:4
      2. 2 Chronicles 3:14
      3. Mark 15:17,20
      4. Luke 16:19
      5. John 19:2,5

*LDS Scripture