


Letters oa

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Coloring Pages










  1. Animals:
    1. Boarfish, coalfish, goat, roach, and toad.
    2. How do you kill roaches?
    3. What animals roar?
    4. What animals croak?
    5. Feed a goat.
  2. Art:
    1. Draw on a chalk board.
    2. Draw on a dry erase board.
    3. Make a paper boat.
    4. Color something with one or more of the following colors: Cardboard brown, charcoal black and oatmeal.
  3. Body:
    1. Throat.
    2. Soak in a bathtub.
    3. Wash your hands with soap.
  4. Food:
    1. Loaf of bread, oats, poached egg, roast, and toast.
    2. Make toast in a toaster.
    3. What foods are in your cupboard.
    4. Find foods that come in a cardboard box.
    5. Make oatmeal cereal.
    6. Make oatmeal cookies.
  5. Locations:
    1. Croatia, and Ivory Coast.
    2. Use a road map to find a new location.
    3. Visit the coast or learn about the coast.
  6. Music:
    1. Keyboard.
    2. Download some music.
  7. Plants:
    1. Oak Tree.
    2. Look for plants growing in a road.
  8. Other:
    1. Make a goal.
    2. Ride in a boat.
    3. Use a clipboard.
    4. Wear a coat.
    5. Go snowboarding.
    6. Use a skateboard.
    7. Go surfboarding.
    8. Play shuffleboard.
    9. Play chess on a chessboard.
    10. Ride a roller coaster.
    11. Float in water.
    12. Help with a load of wash.
  9. Words:
    1. Aboard, approach, armload, backboard, baseboard, billboard, boarder, boardwalk, boarfish, boast, boat, broach, cardboard, carload, caseload, charcoal, chessboard, clipboard, cloak, coach, coal, coast, coastal, coaster, coastguard, coastland, coat, croak, cupboard, dartboard, download, encroach, ferryboat, fireboat, flatboat, float, foam, freeload, gloat, goal, goat, goatskin, groat, hoarse, iceboat, inroad, keyboard, lapboard, lifeboat, load, loaf, loafers, loan, loathe, moan, motorboat, oak, oar, oasis, oatmeal, offload, outboard, payload, poach, railroad, reload, reproach, riverboat, roach, road, roadmap, roadside, roadsign, roadshow, roadway, raom, roar, roast, roaster, rowboat, sailboat, scapegoat, scoreboard, seacoast, showboat, shuffleboard, skateboard, soak, soaker, soap, soapy, snowboard, soar, speedboat, stagecoach, steamboat, surfboard, tailcoat, throat, toad, toadstool, toast, toaster, topcoat, towboat, truckload, tugboat, unload, uproar.

Suggested Videos

  1. Long "O" Sound with "oa"

Suggested Reading

  1. Books
    1. Biscuit Goes to School, by Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, Harper Collins, 2001.
    2. Days with Frog and Toad, by Lobel, Arnold, Scholastic Inc, 1979.
    3. Frog and Toad Together, by Lobel, Arnold, Scholastic Inc, 1971.
    4. Lets Count Goats, by Fox, Mem, Beach Lane Books, 2010.
    5. Nanny Goat's Boat, by Moncure, Jane Belk, The Child's World 1988.
    6. The Story About Ping, by Flack, Majorie, Viking, 1933.
    7. Toy Boat, by de Seve, Randall, Philomel Books, 2007.
  2. Scriptures
    1. Boast
      1. Pslams 34:2; 44:8
      2. Provers 27:1
      3. Romans 3:27
      4. 2 Corinthians 8:24
    2. Coast
      1. Exodus 10:4,14,19
      2. Numbers 34:12
      3. Matthew 16:13; 4;13
      4. Mark 5:17; 7:31
    3. Coat
      1. Genesis 37:3,23,31-33
      2. Exodus 40:14
      3. Matthew 10:10
      4. Luke 3:11
      5. John 19:23
    4. Goat
      1. Genesis 32:14; 37:31
      2. Leviticus 4:23,28; 16:22
      3. Proverbs 27:27
      4. Daniel 8:5
      5. Matthew 2:33
    5. Road
      1. 1 Samuel 27:10
      2. 1 Nephi 12:17*
      3. 2 Nephi 4:32*
      4. 3 Nephi 6:8; 8:13*

*LDS Scripture