


Letters ay

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Coloring Pages


Birthday Cake








  1. Animals:
    1. Crayfish, grayfish, jaybird, and stingray.
    2. What animal says, "Nay"
    3. Can you teach a dog to stay?
  2. Art:
    1. Make something with clay.
    2. Use Crayola crayons to draw a picture.
    3. Make some holiday decorations.
    4. Learn to use spray paint.
    5. Display some of your art work.
    6. Color something with one or more of the following colors: Gray.
  3. Body:
    1. Airway, birthday, and hay fever.
    2. Does your body ever feel like just day dreaming?
  4. Food:
    1. Bayberry, caraway seeds, and mayonnaise.
    2. Learn to be polite and say, "May I" when asking for some food.
    3. Carry your food on a tray.
    4. What did you eat today?
  5. Locations:
    1. Malaysia, Norway, Paraguay,and Uraguay.
    2. Learn about the locations where the "Mayflower" ship landed.
  6. Music:
    1. Sing or listen to "Away in a Manger."
    2. Learn about "Steinway" pianos.
    3. Sway to some music.
  7. Plants:
    1. Daylilly, Mayflower, and Mayweed.
  8. Other:
    1. Play.
    2. Pray.
    3. Walk up or down a stairway.
    4. Write an essay.
    5. Tell about a holy day.
    6. Go on a hayride.
    7. Learn to walk away if something is bad.
    8. Tell about your favorite holiday.
    9. Try to walk sideways.
    10. Have spray gun fight.
    11. List five things you did today.
    12. Find someone whose birthay is in May.
  9. Words:
    1. Always, anyway, array, away, ballplayer, bay, beltway, bikeway, birthday. breakaway, bricklayer, caraway, cardplayer, castaway, clay, copayment, crayfish, crayo, day, daybed, daydream, daylight, decay, delay, disarray, dismay, display, domesday, doorway, downplay, driveway, entranceway, entryway, essay, everyday, everyway, expressway, fadeaway, fairway, flyaway, fray, freeway, getaway, giveaway, gray, halfway, hay, haystack, headway, hieaway, highway, holiday, hooray, horeseplay, hurray, inlay, jaywalk, lay, layer, layoff, layover, layup, mainstay, may, mayday, Mayflower, mayor, nay, nonplay, noonday, okay, partway, pay, payback, payday, payee, payer, payment,payoff, payout, payroll, paystub, play, playbydate, player, playful, playoffs, playtime, portray, pray, prepay, raceway, railway, ray, relay, repay, replay, resay, roadway, rollaway, runaway, say, screenplay, seaway, sickbay, sideways, skyway, slay, slipaway, someday, speedway, spray, stairway, stay, stray, subway, sway, takeawy, today, tray, washday, way, and weekday.

Suggested Videos

  1. The Letters "ay" Sound by Nessy
  2. The Letters "ay" Sound by LucyMax

Suggested Reading

  1. Books
    1. Digby, by Hazen, Barbara Shook, Harper Collins, 1997.
    2. The Day I Had to Play with My Sister, by Bonsall, Crosby, Harper Collins, 1999.
    3. By the Sea, by Berenstain, Jan and Stan, Random House, 1998.
    4. The Bears' Vacation, by Berenstain, Jan and Stan, Harper Collins, 2003.
    5. Dick and Jane Away We Go, Grosset & Dunlap, 1951.
    6. Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss, Random House, 1960.
    7. Five Little Ducks, by Bates, Ivan, Orchard, 2006.
    8. Hop on Pop, by Suess, Dr., Random House, 1963.
    9. Sam and the Firefly, by Eastman, P. D., Random House, 1958.
    10. Mama's Helpers, by Berenstain, Jan and Mike, Berenstain Publishing, Inc, 2011.
  2. Scriptures
    1. Day
      1. Genesis 2:2
      2. Exodus 16:25
      3. Nehemiah 8:18
      4. Matthew 12:40; 24:22
      5. Mark 14:30
    2. Say
      1. 1 Kings 2:14
      2. Luke 20:5
      3. Luke 9:18-19
      4. Mathew 28:13
      5. Genesis 45:17
      6. Numbers 36:5, 6:23
    3. Pray
      1. 2 Kings 6:18
      2. Judges 16:28
      3. Matthew 14:23; 26:41
      4. John 17:9
      5. 1 Corinthians 14:15
    4. Stay
      1. Isaiah 3:1
      2. 2 Chronicles 9:18
      3. 1 Kings 10:19
      4. Acts 19:22
      5. Luke 4:42

*LDS Scripture