



Click on the letters above to print out the workbook.

Coloring Pages










  1. Animals:
    1. Calf, elf fish, Irish wolfhound, and wolf.
  2. Art:
    1. Color something with one or more of the following colors: sulfer, and wolf.
    2. Draw a picture of yourself.
    3. Make something to put on a bookshelf.
    4. Take a picture of a face out of a magazine. Cut it in half. Glue it on a paper and try to draw the other half.
  3. Body:
    1. Herself, himself, myself, ourself, and yourself.
    2. Exercise yourself.
  4. Food:
    1. Buy food off a shelf.
    2. Put food on a shelf.
    3. Sulfur is a mineral and helps muscles, hair and skin cells. Some foods with sulfur are egg yolk, meat, legumes, nuts and dairy products.
    4. Make a treat for Santa's elf.
    5. Make a treat for yourself.
  5. Locations:
    1. Gulf is a large bay.
    2. Gulf Coast, Gulf of Mexico are common to hear. See how many other gulfs you can find.
  6. Music:
    1. Play music by yourself.
    2. Listen to the music at a football halftime.
    3. What makes music by itself?
  7. Plants:
    1. Trees: Wolf River Apple.
    2. Aloe blue elf, elf dwarf mountain laurel, wolfberry.
  8. Other:
    1. Play by yourself.
    2. Read books from a bookshelf.
    3. Watch a football halftime.
    4. Learn what a halfback does.
    5. Cut something in half.
    6. Watch a movie about an elf.
    7. Find the twelfth item in a grounp.
    8. Play a game of miniture golf.
  9. Words:
    1. Bookshelf, calf, elf, engulf, golf, gulf, gulfstream, half, halfback, halfheartedly, halfpence, halftime, halfway, herself, himself, hisself, itself, mantelshelf, myself, oneself, ourself, pelf, self, selfish, selflessness, selfsame, shelf, sulfur, thyself, twelfth, welfare, werewolf, wolf, wolfberry, wolfhound and yourself.

Suggested Reading

  1. Books
    1. Big Wolf, Little Wolf, by Denslow, Sharon,Phillips, Glenwillow Books 2000.
    2. The Little Rabbit Who Liked to Say Moo, by Allen, Jonathan, Boxer Books, 2008.
    3. Too Many Frogs, by Asher, Sandy, Philomel Books, 2005.
    4. Read books about an elf.
    5. Read books about a wolf.
  2. Scriptures
    1. Calf
      1. Genesis 18:7,8
      2. Leviticus 9:8
      3. 1 Samuel 28:24
      4. Luke 15:27, 30
      5. 2 Nephi 30:12*
    2. Half
      1. Exodus 25:10; 37:1
      2. 1 Kings 3:25
      3. Zechariah 14:4
      4. Esther5:3,6; 7:2
      5. Alma 20:23*
    3. Himself
      1. Genesis 45:1
      2. Proverbs 13:7
      3. Matthew 23:12
      4. John 5:26
      5. Ether 12:7*
    4. Twelfth
      1. Ezekiel 32:1
      2. Esther 3:7
      3. Revelation 21:20
      4. Alma 14:23*
    5. Wolf
      1. Isaiah 11:6; 65:25
      2. John 10:12
      3. 2 Nephi 21:6; 30:12*
      4. Alma 5:59,60*

*LDS Scripture