



Click on the letters above to print out the workbook.

Coloring Pages










  1. Animals:
    1. Stray cat, a striped zebra.
    2. Draw pictures of the animals above.
    3. Straddle a horse.
    4. Stroke an animal.
    5. Have you ever found a stray animal?
  2. Art:
    1. Color something with one or more of the following colors: striped, and strong.
    2. Draw something with stripes.
    3. Make a design with string.
    4. Draw five street signs.
    5. Draw a design using only straight lines.
  3. Body:
    1. Hair strands, strawberry blonde, strength, and stress.
    2. Do some stretching exercises.
    3. Do some strenuous exercises to strengthen your muscles.
  4. Food:
    1. Strawberries, and string beans.
    2. Make a strudel.
    3. Cook some noodles, and then strain the water out using a strainer.
    4. Make strawberry jam.
    5. Drink with a straw.
    6. Cook up strips of bacon.
  5. Locations:
    1. Strafort (CT), Strathmore (CA), Strawberry (CA), Strawberry Reservoir (UT), and Streamwood (IL).
    2. Find the above locations on a map.
    3. Learn to read street signs so you know where you are.
  6. Music:
    1. Stradivarius, strings, stringed instruments, and strum.
    2. Strum a musical instruments with strings.
  7. Plants:
    1. Strawberries, string beans, and string of pearl.
    2. Find stripes or streaks in flowers.
  8. Other:
    1. What is something you struggle with?
    2. Learn about stranger danger.
    3. Look for stratus clouds.
    4. Go fishing in a stream.
    5. Decorate with paper streamers.
    6. What street do you live on?
    7. What would you do if you were stranded on an island?
    8. Name five ways to use straps.
    9. Tie your shoe strings.
    10. Take a stroll around your neighborhood or at a park.
    11. What would you do if you struck gold?
    12. Pick up trash that is strewn on the ground.
  9. Words:
    1. Straddle, straight, straighten, strait, strand, strange, strangle, strata, strategem, stratosphere, stray, streak, strengthen, strenuous, streptococcus, stress, stressful, stretcher, strew, strewn, stricken, strict, stride, strife, strike, stricken, string, stringy, stringent, strip, stripe, strive, strobe, strode, stroke, stroll, strongbox, strove, struck, struggle, strung, and strut.

Suggested Videos

  1. The Letter "str" Sound by Mr. Thorne Does Phonics

Suggested Reading

  1. Books
    1. Strawberry Shortcake's Show-and-Tell Surprise, by Bryant, Megan E, Grosset & Dunlap, 2005.
  2. Scriptures
    1. Straight
      1. Psalms 5:8
      2. Proverbs 4:25
      3. Ezekiel 1:9,12
      4. Mark 1:3
      5. Luke 3:4,5; 13:13
      6. Alma 34:44*
    2. Strange
      1. Genesis 15:13; 17:8,27; 37:1
      2. Psalms 81:9
      3. Luke 5:26; 17:18
      4. Mosiah 5:13*
    3. Straw
      1. Exodus 5:7,11,12,13,18
      2. Job 41:27
      3. Isaiah 11:7; 65:25
      4. 2 Nephi 21:7; 30:13*
    4. Stretch
      1. Genesis 22:10; 48:14
      2. Isaiah 14:27
      3. Jeremiah 51:15
      4. Matthew 12:13
      5. Acts 4:30
    5. Stripling
      1. 1 Samuel 17:56
      2. Alma 53:22; 56:57*

*LDS Scripture