



Click on the letters above to print out the workbook.

Coloring Pages










  1. Animals:
    1. Squab, squid, and squirrel.
    2. Draw pictures of the animals above.
    3. What kind of animal will squawk?
    4. Squash a bug that does not belong in your house.
    5. What animals might squirm out of your arms?
  2. Art:
    1. Color something with one or more of the following colors: squirrelly brown.
    2. Make a squiggly design.
    3. Make something from a square shape.
  3. Body:
    1. Squeamish.
    2. Squint your eyes.
    3. Squeeze tooth paste to brush your teeth.
    4. Squeeze and anitbiotic ointment to put on a sore.
    5. Do squats to exercise your legs.
  4. Food:
    1. Make a list of different types of squash.
    2. Make bread from zucchini squash.
    3. Make a pumpkin pie. Pumpkin is a type of squash.
    4. Squesh up cooked apples to make apple sauce.
    5. Squesh up cooked potatoes to make mashed potatoes.
    6. Squeeze a frosting tube to decorate a cake.
  5. Locations:
    1. Squaw Valley (CA).
    2. Find the above location on a map.
    3. Learn about locations where squaw Indians lived.
  6. Music:
    1. Squelch.
    2. Name five things that make squeaking or squealing sounds.
  7. Plants:
    1. Squill.
    2. Be careful not to squish plants that are growing in the flower beds.
  8. Other:
    1. Name five things that are square.
    2. Play four square.
    3. Learn to square dance.
    4. What is something you might squash.
    5. Squat on the floor.
    6. Find a picture of a squaw.
    7. What makes you squeamish?
    8. Help squeegee a window.
    9. Play with a squirt gun.
    10. Learn to play squash.
    11. Squeeze a rubber duck.
    12. Squirm like a worm.
    13. Learn about square roots.
  9. Words:
    1. Squabble, squad, squadron, squalid, squall, squander, squarely, square root, squeal, squeeze, squelch, squib, squint, squire, and squirm.

Suggested Videos

  1. The Letters "squ" Sound by Mr. Thorne Does Phonics

Suggested Reading

  1. Books
    1. Earl the Squirrel, Freeman, Don, Viking, 2005.
    2. Frog and Friends, by Bunting, Eve, Sleeping Bear Press, 2011.
    3. Todd and Copper, by Disney Productions, Walt , Random House, 1981.
  2. Scriptures
    1. Square
      1. 1 Kings 7:5
      2. Ezekiel 41:21; 43:16,17

*LDS Scripture